Infer from observation to gain access to control what we create


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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To gain conscious control over what we create, we need to obtain some understanding of the larger process governing our lives and of which we are only a part. Our problem is that since we each are part of several larger process, we cannot step out and stand apart from the processes of which we are only a part to see the whole process. All we can do is infer the process through our observation of what we experience. Then act on what we infer about the process and how we thinks the process works from the inference to see if it is true. If it works as expected, we can take it as true. If it doesn’t work, then we know there is something additional we are missing. In this regard, we need to allow effectiveness to be our truth.

Actually, it has been the principle of allowing effectiveness to be the measure of truth which has provided that advancement of science. In the sciences, a theory is proposed as to how a particular aspect of Creation works. One then looks at the available data to see if the data fits the theory. Then, additional experiments are performed to see if the theory can predict outcomes of events or a given set of circumstances. If the data fits and predictions can be made, it is assumed the theory is correct. We just need to learn to apply this concept slightly different in our lives. In applying this concept to our lives there are two ways. One is to infer the creative process of Creation and the other is what we infer about our life.

Relative to the creative process of Creation, we can observe and use the lessons learned of others and combine those lesson learned with our own experiences and observations. In doing so we can come to understand the creative process. The results of such observations and inferences is found in the topic, "Creative/creation process of Creation" Relative to this process which as been identified, all we need to do is do our own experiments to see the truth within this process for ourselves.

As for our lives, we need to develop a theory, not a story about our life. A story about our life only gives the events of our life. A theory as to what our life is about fits the available evens in our live together in a way we can predict things in our life. This is not about predicting what will happen in our life, although that may be one byproduct. Rather is it is about predicting the kinds and types of activities that allow us to experience a fullness of being and a feeling of expansion and freedom of unfoldment as in a blossoming of our creative spirit. It will tell us where we need to go in and with our live to create a life worth living.

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The methods of observation

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